Painting shelves ain't no easy job
I hired a cleaning lady to help me do some general cleaning in my condo yesterday. While helping her move stuff around the kitchen, I couldn't stand the stench coming from the side where the stockroom is located. It smelled of moist boxes that have not dried up for quite sometime and for lack of a proper exhause in that area, the stench seems to be stuck within its walls. You know how it's like with stock room... as you stay longer in one place, more stuff gets added and then it gets filled up with unnecessary garbage that may not be totally rotten, but somehow useless.So today I hired a carpenter to tear down the wall separating the kitchen and the stockroom. In a way, I liked it because it meant extending my kitchen a little bit more, giving me more space for my new kitchen gadgets and some more space to use with other culinary equipment that are yet to come. Since the wood are still pretty much useful, I decided to have him create some shelves and other stuff that I can use to showcase my DVDs! Ha! That's what you call recycling! I just love it!!! whoever coined that term - I saved more than 2k bucks on shelves and other useful stuff that were made out of the now defunct stockroom wall.
To get things moving a little quicker, I decided to help out with the painting. I've always been amazed with paint and rollers everytime I go to my dad's construction site when I was a kid. Seeing the paint and roller that the carpenter/handyman had with him, I asked if I could help him paint the shelves he just crafted for my DVDs. A realization came over me today as I was doing it - Painting shelves ain't no easy job after all. But the smell of paint was quite addicting in a way - it reminded me of HOME! Now I'm feeling a wee bit nostalgic - I miss my dad!
now...i'm off to give him a quick call! til my next post!
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