Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Ironies of Life

Obviously, I am not happy dealing with Europeans. Not that I despise them totally. Mind you, I love Europe for its culture, traditions and the places you can go to...but i don't like their weather. and most of all, i looooaathe 100x some people I work with, especially those in the UK.

This blog will tell you why. Here are samples of European Lingo and what they really mean:

1. Be flexible = Cut your slack and carry on with my workload while I go get some tan.
2. You did a great job = But I can do better than that!
3. We are very willing to help = sure, call someone else.
4. Great stuff - go away, you might figure out i'm not doing anything!
5. We'll take care of this = sure, we'll manage this and order you around to do the dirty work.
6. We can complete this by so so date = if we can't, we'll pass it on to you so you get the beating.
7. I'm busy = I'm the boss, you're my slave
8. DND = I'm busy pretending to be busy so back off
9. Let's split the load = when you're done with yours, then you can do mine.
10. Fantastic! = now, I didn't know that!

isn't obvious i'm totally pissed off? I can't wait to see the day they are finally out of this company...and totally out of my life. No wonder I'm positive about everything else that my psychic has told me will happen not so long from now.


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